Friday, 12 April 2013

Stravinsky - The 'Rite' Blog

After 100 years the 'Rite of Spring' has lost none of its power to shock and enthrall. 
In recent years there have been many superb recordings of the work. As one would expect from an iconic masterpiece, it provokes extreme opinions on interpretation. Some prefer a more late romantic approach while others may not like their 'sacre' too sucre (sorry, couldn't resist that one). 

If a more technically precise performance is more your thing then the new recording from Rattle and the BPO may be for you.

As is usual with Rattle, he is meticulous on the detail but always keeps a firm grasp on the work as a whole and paces it beautifully. Its a work that in the wrong hands can sound disjointed. The 'Rite' is a work of thematic relationships and organic unity. The more one listens to the work, the more of this facet is revealed. 

Having been a fan of his previous recording with the CBSO, my expectations were set quite high. Rattle seems to coax an even more finely detailed reading out of the BPO. It is certainly a very controlled performance, almost to the point where the headlong manic ending feels calculated, but this is a minor quibble. 

This recording can be counted as one of the finest to appear for some time. It is currently available on our website for a special offer price of just £10.99!